
6. b) The manchester Access Programme (MAP) : A widening participation schee to develop the knowldge and skills of under-represented students in preparation for studying at the university (Discovery Room 2).

The Manchester Access Programme (MAP): A widening participation scheme to develop the knowledge and skills of under-represented students in preparation for studying at university
Dr Patrick Murphy (Molecular Biology and Biotechnology)
What is this about?
MAP is a University of Manchester widening participation scheme which targets and supports talented post-16 students in the Greater Manchester area who are from backgrounds that are currently under-represented in Higher Education. The overall aim of MAP is to support the application and entry of these students into the University of Manchester or another research-intensive university. MAP students complete a portfolio of work, demonstrating specific knowledge and skills. Learning activities include a series of personal development/skills workshops delivered on campus (interview, time management and referencing skills, independent learning, UCAS application guidance), e-Mentoring from current UG students, a 3-day residential conference at a halls of residence where students engage in problem-based and group-based learning and develop their oral presentation and teamwork skills and completion of an academic assignment showcasing their academic writing, research, communication and transferable skills, with the help of a PG student/academic staff member, specialising in their course subject.
How will colleagues benefit?
This session will be informative and useful for University of Sheffield teachers who want to experience and try-out different teaching and learning methods, such as problem-based learning, workshops and one-to-one academic tutoring. The session will provide advice and tips for anyone who wants to get involved with the planning, design and delivery of new widening participation and outreach activities at the University of Sheffield and will be of interest for a general audience.

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