
7. Embedding enterprise into core teaching: Getting to the heart of the matter (Discovery Room 3).

Embedding Enterprise into Core Teaching: Getting to the heart of the matter
Dr Lauren Buck (Biomedical Science), Dr Ali Riley (University of Sheffield Enterprise)
 What is this about?
This session will be focused on the presentation of a case study of how enterprise skills (authentic problem-solving, true collaboration, taking action, innovation and creativity) can be embedded in the core curriculum, despite many of the perceived ‘barriers’ to doing so (e.g. lack of room in the curriculum, large cohorts, lack of support). The case study is the Organ Donation project in a Biomedical Science core module (BMS 246: Introduction to Human Anatomy). As a non-assessed revision exercise, students were tasked with constructing an organ donation campaign which incorporated their knowledge of anatomy. They presented their campaigns to a panel of judges, including a specialist organ donation nurse. In this session, a student will give their perspective on the module and their reflections on their learning. The session will include an interactive portion, encouraging all attendees to brainstorm changes they could make to their core taught modules to develop enterprise and employability skills.
 How will colleagues benefit?
Colleagues will see a model for including activities that develop enterprise and employability skills whilst at the same time satisfying the knowledge-acquisition demands of a core requirement. Colleagues who are experiencing ‘barriers’ to implementing curricular changes may learn some key strategies to overcome those barriers. Through the interactive portion of the session, colleagues will also get a chance to begin developing a plan for their own taught programmes to incorporate skills development opportunities.

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