
14. b)The integrated design project: A case Study showing how project based learning is used to bridge the gap between academia and the construction industry, with a focus on peer assessment (Inox Conference Suite 1).

The Integrated Design Project: A case study showing how project based learning is used to bridge the gap between academia and the construction industry, with a focus on peer assessment
Paul Hulbert (Civil and Structural Engineering)
 What is this about?
The session will describe the key features of the award winning 'Integrated Design Project', a 60 credit module for Y3 students in the Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, which runs full time for all 15 weeks of the spring semester. The innovative project, which is based on the 'Problem Based Learning' (PBL) approach, builds on technical knowledge from the first two and a half year of students' degrees, whilst developing key problem solving and employability skills including independent learning and research, creativity / option identification and evaluation, critical assessment, reflection, communication / presentation, project management and group working.

The talk will particularly focus on the challenges of feedback and peer assessment in large group project work.
 How will colleagues benefit?
They will obtain invaluable insights into the challenges and benefits of developing and running large group projects, with particular reference to the logistics of running such a project, the challenges of feedback and peer assessment in large group project work, as well as feedback from students who have successfully completed the project and how they have benefitted in terms of seeking employment and being better prepared for working in industry.

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