
16. a)Sharpening information literacy skills : for and through assessment and feedback (Inox Conference Suite 3).

Sharpening Information Literacy Skills: For and through assessment and feedback
Vicky Grant (Library), Maria Mawson (Library)
What is this about?
Selecting and critically evaluating information to engage with the literature of the discipline, accurate citation and referencing, awareness of plagiarism are all aspects of information literacy (IL). IL is essential for academic success, is one of the attributes of the Sheffield Graduate and is a transferable skill for employability. This session will showcase the newly updated online Information Skills Resource (ISR), and will demonstrate how librarians are collaborating with academic departments to embed support for IL into the curriculum. The session will present examples of how IL has been incorporated into assessment criteria and will encourage attendees to consider how they assess these skills.
 Attendees will see how online information skills tutorials could be used when giving feedback to students who need to develop in this area. It is likely that students who can see a clear pathway towards improving their academic performance will have higher levels of satisfaction.
 How will colleagues benefit?
Colleagues will see how information literacy teaching and online information skills tutorials are being incorporated into the curriculum. This will raise awareness of resources and their use in improving assessment and feedback. The session will also give colleagues the opportunity to learn more about the Library’s Information Skills Advisory Service and other face to face support for information literacy, including our plans for supporting students in the Diamond, due to open in September 2015.

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